Welcome to James H. Bright / J.W. Johnson Elementary - Home of the Gators!
Student Drop-Off:
- Bus riders are dropped off at the gate on West 26th Street by the Media Center.
- Parent drop-off and students who walk or ride bicycles to school must enter through the school’s Main Entrance on West 10th Avenue.
- Students are dismissed as follows:
- Bus riders exit the school at the gate on West 26th Street by the Media Center.
- Parent pick-up by car students exit at the school’s Main Entrance on West 10th Avenue.
- Students who walk home or ride bicycles exit at the intersection of West 10th Avenue and West 25th Street.
- Rainy Day Dismissal:
- Bus riders remain in the Media Center and then exit the school through the gate on West 26th Street once the weather conditions improve.
- Parents are to remain in their cars in the carline and students will be dismissed from the cafeteria once the weather conditions improve.
- Students who walk home or ride bicycles exit at the intersection of West 10th Avenue and West 25th Street once weather conditions improve. Such students will be assisted in contacting their parents for other transportation options.